Category: Case Study

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Case Study

Building My Portfolio Website Using Next JS

This article is all about the process of developing my portfolio website and the various steps I undertook to create it. If you’re planning to create your own website using Next.js, this might help…

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Featured image of Store Locator widget of Akril website.

Case Study

A Store Locator Widget powered by React & Google Map API

Here is a case study of a recent project I completed for an Australian company that sells home improvement products. This project is custom store locator…

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Case Study

A Custom Product Enquiry Widgets Developed Using React

Developed for a home-improvement company in Australia. These three separated widgets are part of their website…

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Case Study

A Polling Web Application for a Pastry Business built using React & Redux.

Originally developed for a pastry business in Wildetaube, Germany. This single-page application was a part of their small system that helped the client manage their…

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Case Study

A Digital Signage Builder powered by React.

A custom-built WordPress plugin that helps to create image slideshows and videos for a client’s in-store monitor…

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